Pipe Organ

Pipe OrganSt. James’ present three manual pipe organ is the evolution of what started as a 1908 Estey tracker pipe organ from Brattleboro, Vermont.  Originally only nine ranks, this instrument was electrified in 1947, its casework extensively altered in appearance and pipework concealed.  It was then re-built and expanded in 1989 by Portland organ builder Richard Bond to include 32 ranks with three manuals and pedal.  Five original Estey ranks were retained in the Antiphonal division in its former chamber on the main floor.  The new Great and Swell were installed in the rear gallery.  Casework and console are constructed of oak with a hand-rubbed finish to complement the previously existing woodwork which was almost a century old.  Façade pipes which had been concealed within the instrument since the 1947 rebuild were stripped of their paint and repainted in a new design by Portland icon artist Paul Mihailescu.  Casework on the main floor was reconstructed to resemble the Estey original.

Stop List:

16’ Bourdon (prep)
8’ Principal
8’ Spitzflöte
4’ Octave
4’ Klein Gedackt (prep)
2’ Super Octave
IV Mixture (19-22-26-29)
8’ Trumpet

8’ Rohrflöte
8’ Salicional
8’ Voix Celeste
4’ Principal
4’ Koppelflöte
2 2/3 Nazard
2’ Waldflöte
1 3/5 Tierce
III Scharf
8’ Oboe

8’ Gedackt
8’ Dulciana
8’ Unda Maris
4’ Octave
4’ Harmonic Flute
2’ Octoave
8’ Krummhorn
8’ Spitz Principal

16’ Sub Bass
16’ Bourdon (prep)
8’ Principal
8’ Bourdon
4’ Choral Bass
16’ Fagott
4’ Schalmei