From Pastor David’s Desk …

Known as one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century, Karl Barth insisted that followers of Christ live in the real world. According to Barth, we are called to hold the Bible with the newspaper. Like the martyred Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Barth was part of the “confessing church” movement that opposed Hitler’s Nazi Nationalism. For him, either our faith matters in the world, or it’s a joke. Our St. James fall calendar will uphold this connection:

  • Our Kick-Off Sunday, September 15th, starts the educational program year. Professional clown Albert Alter will enhance the sermon with mime. Serving society often begins with listening deeply with our eyes.
  • Open Space classes will begin with two Sundays pointing to “The Political Responsibility of the Church” as we prepare for the November General Election. What is our faith response?
  • Our Eco Social Justice Committee will invite us to help a family during Portland’s Housing crisis with tangible gifts.
  • On October 13th, our St. James Endowment Committee will provide a luncheon thanking you for the financial gifts that support local helping agencies and ministries; most beyond our doors.

At St. James, the Bible and the newspaper belong together. God’s Word of love remains constant, but we may need to update Barth’s “newspaper” reference to our social media accounts. But then, that is just another illustration of staying relevant in today’s world.

–Pastor David

Choir Returns and Bach Will Be Back …

Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, September 5th at 7:15pm in the Pioneer Chapel and will be back in the loft on Sunday, September 8th. Please mark your calendars for a Choral Vespers service on December 1st at 5:00pm. The centerpiece of the service will feature Bach’s Cantata 62, “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, composed for the same Sunday, 300 years ago.

Helping the Unsheltered …

Our ministry reaches over 4,000 people a year, thanks to your efforts. Our food ministry continues each weekday at 11:30am with those in need in the park. Join us on Tuesdays, September 10th and 24th at 10:00am in Pioneer Chapel to pack food boxes for our houseless neighbors. Currently, we are collecting travel-size hygiene supplies, such as shampoo, disposable razors, and soap to build hygiene kits. Donations would be appreciated!

Open Space Returns …

St. James’ Adult Education Program, Open Space, will begin the 2024-25 year on September 15th at 11:00am. Our thanks to Mandy Ellertson and the members of the St. James Education Committee for helping to plan our fall speaker schedule. Our childcare assistant, Adina Walls, will meet our younger children on the lower level during worship providing Biblical stories and activity time. Click here to go to our Education page where you can find the full Open Space schedule with the topics for Adult Classes through October.

Pastor David’s Sabbatical …

In July 2023, St. James granted Pastor David a three month sabbatical after the completion of his five years of service at St. James. In the fall of 2023, he took two months, and in September/October 2024 he will take his final month. He is grateful for this gift of time for renewal and connection. Pastor David will be away from the office beginning September 24th and return October 24th and will then be back in the St. James pulpit for Reformation Sunday, October 27th.

Those providing pastoral leadership in his absence:

  • Sunday, September 29th
    Pastor Mark Brocker will preside and teach an Open Space class.
  • Sunday, October 6th
    Pastor Mark Brocker will preside and teach an Open Space class.
  • Sunday, October 13th
    Pastor Mark Brocker will preside.
    No Open Space due to the Endowment Luncheon.
  • Sunday, October 20th
    Pastor Curtis Zieske will preside at morning Eucharist.
    Scott Ellertson will provide leadership for Jazz Vespers.

St. James Photo …

Thanks to all who participated in the St. James photo as we celebrated our 134th anniversary. A larger photo is being printed and will hang in our building. Our thanks to Albert Alter and Ron Zeller for their photography skills.