Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer at St. James

First and Third Saturday mornings, 9:30am

Saturday Schedule 9:30-11:00am on Zoom:

The 2024-2025 Contemplative Prayer group will reconvene on September 21st …

October 5th and 19th …

November 2nd and 16th …

Special In-Person Contemplative Prayer on Winter Solstice at 10:00am on December 21st …

The first 2025 meeting will be Saturday, January 18th …

This New Year — we will continue to meet on Zoom on Saturday mornings. After the first 2025 meeting on Saturday, January 18th — we will continue through the spring at 9:30am on the first and third Saturdays. Consider joining our group. We welcome new members any time.

For information or to receive the meeting link, contact Susan McBerry.

“Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.”
—Soren Kierkegaard

You are invited to consider a contemplative practice with the Contemplative Prayer group who gather via Zoom to pray, learn, and share through silence and breath prayer. Participants often find that it is in the stillness and the silence of meditation that they become centered in the presence of God and become more open to the work of the Spirit within. Contact Susan McBerry for the Zoom link. Meetings are the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9:30 to 11:00am.

Taking time to remove oneself from the noise of daily life is a gift you can give yourself.

Anyone interested in contemplative listening to God is invited to join us. We spend time in silence, in reading sacred texts, and praying for the world, each other and ourselves.

For information about this group, contact Susan McBerry or the St. James front office.