From Pastor David’s Desk …
The Latin word “Viriditas” means greening power – the connection between the green earth and human health. Our Sunday morning readings this summer are all about that intersection.
The term came from the pen of Saint Hildegard. Born in 1098 as the youngest of ten children, she led a monastic life. Part of her ministry was to tend to the community’s herbal garden. She was captured by the wonder of God’s creation and wrote about it. Hers is the first written reference of hops for brewing beer. Scholars would later claim her as the founder of scientific natural history in Germany.
At St. James, our altar will be clothed in green throughout the summer to reflect this long season of growth. The Holy Spirit is the greening power that promotes spiritual growth in us. As the theologian Matthew Fox put it:
“Holy Spirit is the greening power in motion, making all things grow, expand, celebrate.”
God is at work in us to grow in health and care for creation. Let’s make the connection using God’s gift of Viriditas.
–Pastor David
Thank you Choir!
As we transition into the summer months, I’d like to take the opportunity to give a big hearty Thank You! to our wonderful choir. Our music ministry is immeasurably enriched by their dedication and talents. To each of our choir members, I offer my sincere gratitude for your diligence throughout the year, from Sunday to Sunday, and everything in between.
This summer we will hear from a variety of soloists and cantors on Sundays. Additionally, we are excited to present a second season of our summer-time Parkside Piano Concert Series. First up, you won’t want to miss the Trillium Piano Quartet on Sunday, June 23rd. Looking ahead, mark your calendars to hear a cello and piano duo called Hammer & Peg on Sunday, July 28th. The final concert is Sunday, August 11th with Tim and Nancy Nickel on piano and organ. All of the concerts are at 4:00pm.
–Colin Stave, Director of Music Ministry
Hear About Your Work With Lutheran World Hunger …
On Sunday, June 2nd, World Hunger representative Sharon Magnuson will be our guest in worship and lead our Open Space adult class. She will thank us for our recent gift of $15,100 as we mark the 50th anniversary of that Lutheran ministry. Sharon served in our ELCA Chicago office and later moved back to Portland where she is a member of Gethsemane Lutheran Church. She will share how your dollars are touching lives all around the world.
Thank You Jules and Carol Auger!
On June 3rd, 1964, Jules Auger was ordained as a Lutheran Pastor. On Sunday, June 9th, St. James will thank Jules and Carol for 60 years of ministry as Jules shares a few stories in worship and is honored at a reception following the service. Join us.
Our St. James Partnership with Legacy Emanuel Hospital …
For a second summer in a row, we will welcome Clinical Pastoral Education chaplains. Our 5-day-a-week ministry to the houseless has once again caught the eye of the Spiritual Care Department at Legacy Emanuel Hospital. Each Tuesday, Becky Polley and Ethan Allen will assist us in distributing food and needed items and then spend a few hours providing counseling and being a listening ear to those on our streets. They begin this month and will be with us until early August. Welcome!
Our St. James Rich History …
Each week visitors and neighbors stop by to see our beautiful church building. A staff member welcomes them and gives a brief tour of Pioneer Chapel (built in 1890) and our worship area (built in 1907). We also share our story of ministry and point to our St. James Apartments and our 95-student Child Development Center. This month an updated brochure is available that shares the history of our sanctuary, baptismal font, organ, stained Glass Windows and Roy Setziol sculptures.
We Welcome New Members …
On Sunday, August 11th, St. James will receive new members during our worship service. A welcoming reception will follow. Please speak with Pastor David if you would also like to make St. James your church home.
Lutheran Ligaments …
St. James walks from Portland to Seaside. The roster for our St. James team Lutheran Ligaments is currently complete, but we are looking for potential substitutes. We always have life, timing, etc. causing changes in personnel. If you can be available August 23-24 as a walker or a volunteer, contact Larry Larsen. Thanks.